2018 Primary Voters' Guide
Legislative District 31 - State Representative Pos. 2

Coming Soon
Steve Skutt
(States No Party Preference)

Elected Experience: None

Other Professional Experience: I have had teaching posts in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Japan. I also have considerable experience as a proofreader, editor, and writer of educational, legal, and healthcare-oriented materials and have written a few books under a pen name.

Education: University of Prince Edward Island, BA; University of Calgary, BEd; Columbia University, MA; University of Iowa, MA

Community Service: Recent community service has focused on attending to the needs of my children—particularly my three youngest, who attend Pierce County schools. I am also privileged to serve the needs of the many students I teach in Pierce County.

Statement: I stand apart from two broken parties intent on maintaining their political duopoly, and I wish to serve only the interests of Washingtonians and, especially, the people of our district.

When no other candidate stepped forward as an alternative to “more of the same,” it became my duty to enter this race. I will work hard to improve more than test scores in our schools; support our employers; sustain even our smallest communities; and ensure security, dignity, and prosperity for citizens of all ages—and I will be a visible presence across the district as I listen to your concerns.

(253) 447-7293